About Us


The use of bar coding has been growing dramatically over the last 20 years. Barcodes have become an essential part of modern civilization. Their use is widespread, and the technology behind barcodes is constantly improving. Bar codes have become an everyday experience for most people. In point-of-sale management, the use of barcodes can provide very detailed up-to-date information on key aspects of the business, enabling decisions to be made much more quickly and with more confidence. Besides sales and inventory tracking, barcodes are very useful in shipping, receiving and tracking.

Who we are

Founded in 2001, Aulux Corporation Limited has grown into an industry leader in the barcode label software. We have been delivering Barcode Design & Printing Solutions to over 10,000 clients in more than 20 countries across the world. Aulux Corporation Limited has earned a reputation as a premier barcode maker software provider.

What we offer

Aulux Barcode Label Maker®, a product of Aulux Corporation Limited, is one of the most popular product in barcode label making software market. It is an easy-to-use, fully featured software for designing labels, creating barcodes and printing the labels. Aulux Barcode Label Maker® allows you to produce the professional and standard barcode labels for any industry.

Why choose us

Fortune 500 customers from IBM, Intel, Hewlett-Packard, Dell, Boeing, FedEx, Samsung, Siemens and others have purchased Barcode Label Maker from Aulux Corporation Limited.

Barcode Label Maker has received multiple 5-star awards, including from such famous website as Cnet, Brother Soft and FindSoft. It has made it to the Gold Award Winner Barcode Software by Top Ten Reviews.